High-tech stalking the new front in domestic violence

Smartphones are the new stalking weapon, a senate committee has heard.Smartphones are the new stalking weapon, a senate committee has heard. Photo: Eddie Jim

Smartphones are increasingly being used to stalk and harass women in Australia, a Senate inquiry into domestic violence has been told.

Not only are they used to bombard women with texts and calls, they can also be used to track a victim through Facebook entries, phone-location apps and GPS.

Women’s Services Network chairwoman Julie Oberin also told the inquiry last week a perpetrator would, in some cases, secretly download spyware onto their partner’s phone, which enabled them to read emails and texts, see who they talked to and what they were searching on the internet. They could also potentially use the phone to listen in on conversations.

Ms Oberin first noticed that the domestic violence challenge was changing when women she was putting in safe houses in regional Victoria started to be found by their ex partners.


“We had one particular case where two of our clients were on a bus going from the refuge to the shopping centre,”she said. “When the bus pulled up at a bus stop, the partner of one of the women got on and started ordering her back home. He wasn’t even supposed to know that she was in that town.”

Ms Oberin and her colleagues worked out that the woman had been found through her smartphone. “That was pretty scary for us as refuge workers to realise that this is a brave new world.”

More than 80 per cent of domestic violence workers surveyed by the Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria last year said smartphones and social media were being used to stalk victims.

Similarly, Women’s Legal Services NSW solicitor Alex Davis said that for about 80 per cent of the clients she sees for family law, domestic violence and sexual assault issues, smartphones will be a factor.

Sharon Clark, who manages a Berry Street family violence service in North Melbourne, said women are now instructed to switch their phones to flight mode when they first present for support. About 18 months ago, Ms Clark and her team changed their standard introduction form to include questions such as: Who set up your phone? Who set up your Facebook account? Who has access to your passwords?

When talking to domestic violence workers, Fairfax Media heard examples of men “gifting” their children with smartphones containing spyware and of victims not realising how their different accounts – for example email, YouTube and mobile – may be synched.

Those within the sector say the challenge is to educate victims, police and community workers about how to use smartphones safely and to get the necessary funds to do this. But the technology is also changing quickly. Last week, the Women’s Services Network received a call about a woman who was being sent videos of herself in her lounge room by a former partner. He had been hacking her smart TV.

There is also concern about the arrival of spoofing technology in Australia. This allows people to pretend to be someone else – either via text messages or phone calls. The technology also exists to alter voices from male to female, which could enable a perpetrator to call police, banks and phone companies and impersonate their victim.

US domestic violence and technology expert Cindy Southworth visited Australia last month and met with Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Women Michaelia Cash. Ms Southworth stressed that the smartphone technology does not cause abuse, it just facilities it. “Essentially, it is misogyny plus technology equals high-tech stalking.”

She said the answer for victims was not to simply turn off their phones. Victims of abuse not only had the right to be able to use the same technology as anyone else – they needed it to work and access support networks .

Smartphone technology also provides important opportunities for women to install apps to message friends or emergency services if they are in trouble, and allow them to collect evidence from perpetrators. This includes taking screen shots of abusive texts and using their phone’s camera and GPS co-ordinates to show a partner has breached an apprehended violence order.

Ms Oberin said: “Women have got to be embracing and in control of technology.”

Tips for smartphone security:

Lock your phone with a code and do not share it with anyone.

Turn off the GPS on your phone.

Turn off Bluetooth on your phone when not in use.

Avoid buying a “jail-broken” phone (that has removed the manufacturer’s restrictions) as this will be much more vulnerable to spyware.

If you think you are being monitored by a partner:

It may be dangerous to change your behaviours, such as suddenly deleting your history, as an abuser may become suspicious.

Use a safer device – such as a library computer – to research an escape plan.

Sources: National Network to End Domestic Violence, Safety Net Australia

In Australia, about one in three women has experienced physical violence and almost one in five has experienced sexual violence since the age of 15.

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic or family violence, call 1800RESPECT or 000 in an emergency. 

Phone safety resources:



Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/hightech-stalking-the-new-front-in-domestic-violence-20141017-117lqs.html#ixzz3Gfvoqd9Q

My Ex- Husband – The Alledged Narcissist; – The Adult/Parent Cycling Ptsd

The Narcissist Adult/Parent Cycling Ptsd
27 September 2013 at 22:44
They don’t come with name tags and their victims at any age are rarely believed or get help.
See below also – The sociopath – Narcissist to an extreme – cause of many ptsd injuries.

The cog in the wheel is narcissistic parent influence on their unsuspecting innocent children. This derails the parent bond healthy symbiotic relationship. Nurturing does not exist in a healthy way. This represses the child’s ability to cope. This endangers the safety of the feelings of the child and is the genesis for dissociation, anxiety, and repressed anger that later manifests as depression and self-harm.

If the narcissist parent has full control the child will begin to feel unworthy of love and will feel ugly, useless and guilt and fear will dominate the developing mind. After a time the abuse can manifest as splitting of two separate personalities and or the freeze response kicks in and the child understands that if he or she remains silent and quiet then less abuse will be given and therefore more protection will be felt. All in all the innocent child is the victim of unspeakable neglect and psychological rape of the mind and sometimes body.

It is the worst of atrocities.

The child has no defense of his or her’s personal autonomy and soon becomes a limb or extension to the abuser, sometimes attached for a lifetime and feels that he or she cannot survive without the abuser and in fact begins to adore or give constant accolades to appease the abuser and eventually the child to adult transformation manifests and targets other narcissists to continue the abuse because the abused feels that is all he or she is good for.

It is horrible and wrong in every way shape and form.

This is even more horrible when heavy indoctrination is at play and is instilled by the narcissists.

A narcissist that believes he is god or is getting messages from god is the worst of the worst because now in the mind of the abused there is no way of escape ever. After all if god is using their abuser and speaking through them then who are they to question that authority?
What a nightmare.

Our children are meant to be loved and protected, not beaten down with severe psychological manipulation. – Andy Talbot

With proper support and genuine love the children/victims can absolutely overcome, become wounded healers and see their worth, live healthy productive lives. But not if they do not escape or the narcissist continues to be enabled.

Together we can turn this traumatized world around.

The Sociopath – Narcissist to an extreme – 11 signs of a sociopath.

These are not to be confused with trauma response. In fact the Narcissist/Sociopaths will use their victims emotional responses as just another way to manipulate others opinions and redirect their own behaviour.

The Narcissist/Sociopath is fully aware and they enjoys the challenge.

1- They have an oversized ego.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) notes that sociopaths have an inflated sense of self. They are narcissists to the extreme, with a huge sense of entitlement, Dr. Seth Meyers, a clinical psychologist with the L.A. County Department of Mental Health, wrote for Psychology Today. They tend to blame others for their own failures.

2- They lie and exhibit manipulative behaviour.

Sociopaths use deceit and manipulation on a regular basis. Why? “Lying for the sake of lying. Lying just to see whether you can trick people. And sometimes telling larger lies to get larger effects,” Dr. Stout told Interview Magazine.

3- They exhibit lack of empathy

“They don’t really have the meaningful emotional inner worlds that most people have and perhaps because of that they can’t really imagine or feel the emotional worlds of other people,” M. E. Thomas, a diagnosed sociopath and author of Confessions Of A Sociopath, told NPR. “It’s very foreign to them.”

4- They show lack of remorse or shame.

The DSM-V entry on antisocial personality disorder indicates that sociopaths lack remorse, guilt or shame.

5- They stay eerily calm in scary or dangerous situations.

A sociopath might not be anxious following a car accident, for instance, M.E. Thomas said. And experiments have shown that while normal people show fear when they see disturbing images or are threatened with electric shocks, sociopaths tend not to.

6- They behave irresponsibly or with extreme impulsivity.

Sociopaths bounce from goal to goal, and act on the spur of the moment, according to the DSM. They can be irresponsible when it comes to their finances and their obligations to other people.

7- They have few friends.

Sociopaths tend not to have friends–not real ones, anyway. “Sociopaths don’t want friends, unless they need them. Or all of their friends are superficially connected with them, friends by association,” psychotherapist Ross Rosenberg, author of the Human Magnet Syndrome, told The Huffington Post.

8- They are very charming, but only superficially.

Sociopaths can be very charismatic and friendly — because they know it will help them get what they want. “They are expert con artists and always have a secret agenda,” Rosenberg said. “People are so amazed when they find that someone is a sociopath because they’re so amazingly effective at blending in. They’re masters of disguise. Their main tool to keep them from being discovered is a creation of an outer personality.”
As M.E. Thomas described in a post for Psychology Today: “You would like me if you met me. I have the kind of smile that is common among television show characters and rare in real life, perfect in its sparkly teeth dimensions and ability to express pleasant invitation.”

9- They live by the ” Pleasure Principle”

“If it feels good and they are able to avoid consequences, they will do it! They live their life in the fast lane — to the extreme — seeking stimulation, excitement and pleasure from wherever they can get it,” Rosenberg wrote in Human Magnet Syndrome.

10- They show disregard for social norms.

They break rules and laws because they don’t believe society’s rules apply to them, psychiatrist Dr. Dale Archer wrote in a blog on Psychology Today.

11- They have intense eyes and have no problem with maintaining uninterrupted eye contact.

Sociopaths have no problem with maintaining uninterrupted eye contact. “Our failure to look away politely is also perceived as being aggressive or seductive,” M.E. Thomas wrote for Psychology Today.

Statistics show men are 10x more likely to be sociopaths than women. All sociopaths share three common characteristics. They are all very egocentric individuals with no empathy for others, and they are incapable of feeling remorse or guilt.
Sociopaths lack empathy. They are literally unable to put themselves into someone else’s shoes and this is why they can do horrific things to people without feeling remorse about it.
Some are charming and may compliment you a lot, being manipulative.
They see people as objects to be used for sex, money or anything they fancy. They have a “grandiose” sense of self, aka thinking the world revolves around them. many normal people have told me that they seem somewhat scary, that they are not sure what the sociopath will do next or to them. In a sense, they dont think people are “real” with real emotions and feelings and they do not understand why “normal” people display emotions, such as crying. They see crying as a weakness. To normal people they may seem like the biggest “a**holes or b*tches” they’ve ever met.


Interplay Between Genetics and the Environment
Dr. Martha Stout, in her book, “The Sociopath Next Door,” explains that a genetic presdisposition for socipathy may already present at birth for some people. Determinations regarding how this increased risk for ASPD become expressed come from an individual’s life experiences.

Studies, such as the Texas Adoption Project, involving heritability factors—how much an observable trait can be explained by genetics—consistently determines, according to Stout, “that indeed a person’s tendency to possess certain sociopathic characteristics is partially born in the blood.” In other words, a person develops sociopathy because she was born that way.

Brain Differences
The brains of nonsociopaths will react faster to emotionally charged words, such as “love,” “happy” or “hate,” than neutral words, such as “television,” “grass” or “sky.” An individual with ASPD will not show this difference in reaction time; his brain responds the same to “love” as to the word “chair.” Further, the brains of normal individuals demonstrate the ability to solve a problem regarding emotional words almost instantly. Meanwhile, the brain of a sociopath in response to this task shows increased blood flow to the temporal lobe, part of the brain used for analytical thinking, operating like it’s an algebra problem.

Environmental Factors
Stout writes that “biology is half the story” in the cause of sociopathy—environmental factors account for the other half of the explanation. These specific factors remain unclear. While child abuse seems an obvious determinant, some evidence suggests that sociopaths are less influenced by childhood experiences than normal individuals.

Attachment Disorder
An infant’s inability to form an appropriate bond with a caregiver, either through parental neglect or abandonment, may lead to the development of an attachment disorder. As a result, these individuals do not develop the ability to form emotional connections to others. Stout cites this factor as another probable cause for ASPD.

By- The Ptsd Support And Global Awareness Campaign

The Truth- How we became slaves to the Corporations

Maritime Admiralty Law – your red pill

How we have surrendered our rights.



  • What a birth certificate is and how it is used to enslave people.
  • The governments agenda and debt.
  • The lies we have been blinded by, that prevents us from the truth.
  • Licences and registrations and what is legal and what is not.
  • The legal definitions and how words have been changed to suit their purposes.


DNA, Human Rights, & Justice

DNA, Human Rights, & Justice.



In the beginning …….. Test 1 
MC, the father of my daughter, C. committed a cruel, destructive fraud against my 18-year-old and I. He also whiteanted everything in our lives that mattered to us including totally sabotaging his daughter’s hard won tertiary education. From wanting to be a teacher and being totally committed to her tertiary studies, she ended up serving coffee at the Casino. MC destroyed my only possibility of an income, spread lies among friends to ensure we had no support and tricked us both into so much debt we could not help ourselves or each other. Needless to say, with escalating tertiary costs since privatisation, Cindie had to quit school and both of us were left in a dire situation.

  On the advice of lawyers, we took the issues to the Family Court. They were scarcely raised. Instead, MC called for a DNA Paternity test at the lab. of his choice, Simons GeneType now GeneTech. MC falsely claimed to the court we had “extorted thirty-five thousand dollars out of him and which he had paid to keep us quiet because his wife was dying of cancer. Several reliable witnesses can confirm I went to live with him AFTER HIS WIFE DIED AND THAT HE WAS VERY AFFECTIONATE TOWARDS US IN PUBLIC AS WELL AS IN PRIVATE. He “gave” us very little, despite owning several valuable properties, shares and an income for life, he deliberately destroyed what little we had.

  The test came back with “100% certainty” MC is not my daughter’s father, even though he knows with 110% certainty he is.

  After diligently researching what went wrong the old fashioned way, asking many, many questions of many, many people, mainly eyeball to eyeball, I was able to establish that Ian Smith (then a director – now President) at GeneTech had switched the samples to ensure the negative result

  When I asked Dr Simons to simply send a brief note recommending a further DNA test, his reply was to threaten to sue. So did Ian Smith – both in writing. Is this the response of honest suppliers?

  MC admits he was on intimate terms with me when I became pregnant with my ONLY child. I am now 63. Technically, I was still married to my husband of 20 YEARS, Ray Farnell (now deceased) but we were no longer on intimate terms and had no children. MC has three other daughters. A psychologist who knows both families well confirms the likenesses of C. to MC are biological, not superficial. A highly respected academic confirms I had told her when C. was very little : that Ray knew he was not her biological father; that I had mentioned her father was Indian; and that her features are not like Ray’s. My daughter is almost a clone of MC, with many characteristics and personality traits of his as well as physical likenesses.

  Judges overseas are ruling such likenesses DO bring “negative” results into question. Here, the police, as well as scientists, parroted by strange judges, claim such likenesses (even coupled with strange behaviour by fathers and even stranger behaviour by scientists) not to mention opposing results – do not raise questions as to the probity of tests.


  For over a year, preferring to CONTINUALLY go back to court, MC refused a second test. Judge Frederico refused to order one. Finally, with Registrar Nikakis was presiding, and after being backed into a corner by our barrister, MC agreed to have on at Red Cross after still flatly refusing to have one by Dr Achison, the scientist of my choice (who had said he would put more security in place – and would “take his bedroll” to the lab. to protect the integrity of the test. He turned out to be just one more scientist who couldn’t be trusted since not only had he been discussing our case with scientists I said were corrupt, but made damaging false claims to our lawyer and others – who as usual were easily sucked in by lies.

  Despite meeting with scientists at Red Cross prior to the second test, and giving them written confirmation of the Consent Orders signed by all parties including Nikakis, This second test came back negative.

  Despite additional security checks being inserted in the orders by Nikakis, they were ignored by Red Cross and MC. It turned out Dr Haddad had studied under Simons, and worked for him for several years before transferring to Red Cross. This test came back 100% certain” MC is not my daughter’s father.

  Again, I approached Red Cross seeking to settle the matter quickly and quietly for C’s sake even more than my own. It was easy enough to establish that it was Haddad who falsified the test.

  I’d had to borrow money from a high priced money lender to pay for tests – still of course believing truth and justice would prevail. It was the final nail in my coffin.

  The next test, done at DNA Solutions by Vern Muir, gave a positive result. All the evidence surrounding the issue supports this being the correct result

  Justice Frederico didn’t consider this positive result nor the way consent orders were ignored , any reason to grant an appeal hearing, even though my daughter and I, as always, were agreeable to more secure DNA testing – which we were not allowed to have! Half my daughter’s genes replicate mine yet neither she nor I were given the right to testing at the lab of our choice. Why is this?

  Shortly after, a further test at the police lab in Macleod came back negative! Their scientists, Dr Roberts, continually lied and changed his story. Correspondence with the Minister for Police and others show he is making false and contradictory claims. When I again sought police assistance, Dr Roberts who I had already said had falsified the tests and Dr Scheffer who was covering up for him, were appointed to investigate themselves.

  The likelihood is they were coerced by MC and/or other scientists into falsifying the result since they had not adhered to the law, much less the safety checks normally in place.

  Add to this that the lab was just about to receive $1.8 million to upgrade their DNA facility and the police public relations machine was loudly trumpeting the positives of DNA as evidence. N one of the highly respected witnesses I nominated were interviewed. When I sought the assistance of the Commissioner to establish a mediatory approach the police scientists’ response was to threaten legal action – I’m still waiting since presumably if they pursue this threat they will insist on DNA testing as evidence nothing is wrong- won’t they?

  It took falsification of two DNA tests to give negative results at DNA Solutions before I realised Muir too had changed sides. If as he now claims I had falsified the first, positive result, why would I then pay a detective $2000 to obtain more verifiable DNA of MCs and take it back to the same lab? And if, as Muir claims I had cancelled the cheque payment for this first test (his excuse as to why he will not let us have the report of this result) why did HE – months later – come with us to court to try to get an Appeal Hearing – including a more secure test at a registered lab? And why, if as he claims he was angry with me did he seek the help of his cousin, a barrister, Sean Hardy for us? WHO PUT IN WRITING HE BELIEVED US! Despite running not only an unethical, but totally dishonest business, and absolutely destroying another teenager’s life, as well as C. he is the darling of the media – tho lately of course t.v. has switched to giving another totally corrupt lab their support – Ian Smith and GeneTech!!!!!

  Strangely the media gives widespread free publicity not only to corrupt scientists but to clearly lying fathers, with a total disregard of the rights, much less views, of the mothers and children concerned. (Anderson v. H) Has paid advertising bought media bias? Not necessarily – the attitude of the Executive Producer at the 7.30 report was just as bad and in fact – disgracefully insulting as well as ill informed.

  Muir wasn’t the only person I trusted who betrayed my daughter and I as well as others. Dr Achison had secretly been making false claims to our lawyer and others to discredit me in a very damaging way. Had I been asked I could easily prove he was lying but as usual no one bothered to seek my response. This lack of liaison with victims, including by one’s own lawyers, is a significant contributing factor to unresolved injustice since it disempowers those telling the truth.

  Typically, when I tried to sort it out with Achison he lied even further. This was devastating for our lawyer as well as us because he then realised how impossible the task is of knowing which scientist to trust even if we could get the court to order further testing. This is still a major hurdle because the only scientist I trust is not in the commercial DNA industry so is not recognised by the courts – despite the strange inadequacies of “recognised” procedures!

WHO JUDGES THE JUDGES? Lies and More Lies.
  Just one of many false assumptions damaging justice throughout the system, is that judges base their rulings “on the evidence before them”. Not so.

  Several very competent lawyers tried to resolve our case but could not. Why is this? No less than four have now put in writing they believe we are telling the truth. Neville Turner, who diligently researched our case made it clear the reason lawyers were not prepared to take the matter back to court was because of Judge Frederico’s strange, unjust final ruling which totally infringes human rights. This ruling includes we are “not allowed to return to court to pursue paternity issues. In ruling we were not allowed to proceed with a late Appeal (we’d been waiting on the outcome of another non event police “investigation” – he effectively ensured no other judge, including the High Court, could examine our case.

  Should sole judges have this power – to judge applications for Appeal when they themselves made a blatantly unjust ruling? Frederico used LIES ALREADY WITHDRAWN BY MC as his Reasons for refusing an Application for Late Appeal Hearing. He also said complainingly that I had criticised the procedures!!!

  His attitude and therefore judgement were corrupted by his ego when he realised his earlier judgements were wrong. His prejudice is obvious in transcripts. Deary, deary me! Laws are set to change in Australia to minimise tampering in the future – but what of those already destroyed by unresolved injustice? Thew fact is the biggest change that is needed is gullible ATTITUDES TO SCIENCE

  Many grossly unfounded “assumptions” are made in the justice process – including lawyers will take on the cases of those telling the truth. Lawyers, as well as the public clearly have little faith in the justice system since they are rightly concerned that due to the way all evidence other than the DNA tests is ignored costs may be awarded against them if previous disgraceful rulings are anything to go by.

  Pro-bono lawyers can scarcely be expected to fund the necessary expert witnesses, particularly scientists at $200 dollars per hour, much less the detective work needed. Thus whilst fathers go to court armed with false “scientifically accurate” test results, lying affidavits and reports from scientists and worst of all supported by the strange belief throughout the system, despite considerable historical contradictions, that science can do no wrong,, . Women and children go armed only with a naively misplaced notion that truth will prevail and an even more misplaced belief in justice.

  Neville is extremely experienced. After trying unsuccessfully a way of resolving the issues via the court, he sent a submission to the Australian Law Reform Genetics Inquiry with copies to the Federal Attorney General and Sate Attorney General. He put in writing (copy available) he considered not only that our story was corroborated but that other clear evidence was ignored because of the DSNA test results Please support his and our efforts for a genuine government funded forum of inquiry into OTHER cases of fraud in Victoria as well as ours. Contact the ALRC genetics@alrc.gov.au. Laws need to be put in place to ensure DETECTION as well as minimise tampering and which should apply REGARDLESS OF ANY OTHER EVIDENCE OR LACK OF IT.

  Consider the case of H. “Anderson vs. H.” H. ‘s lying ex, Anderson, was paid to make his false claims on TV pretending his TEENAGE SON WAS NOT HIS. H. HAD LITTLE REAL EVIDENCE AND THE POWER OF SCIENCE HAAD BEGUN TO CAUSE HER DOUTSS. It was only the strange actions of Haddad and Muir as well as the lying of her ex, which helped her establish the truth. Courts do not see establishing the truth as evidence. As with me, lawyers had warned H. not to even intimate the word “corruption” in the Family Court as from the top down they clearly make the naive assumption that, despite the sinister lengths fathers go to avoid child support there is no corruption associated with Family Law!

  It is also clear courts do not honour the UN Convention and honour the rights of the child to an identity” not to mention the rights of the mother and child to the 100% certainty claimed for these tests.

  Please support the efforts of unpaid lawyers and others on our behalf. Write to there Inquiry now. Do not allow this heinous, global practice to be continually ignored. You or yours may be the victim of fraudulent science one day. The domino of destruction in the lives of victims is unimaginable because not only are scientists stealing the right of the child to support from both parents, but they are also stealing the integrity of mother and child so that other crimes, such as financial fraud are not justly dealt with.

A more detailed version of our story is available by contacting me, Patricia Farnell atdidgepf@hotmail.com.  Ive had to learn the hard way how widespread falsification and collusion is and what can be done – if you are a victim feel free to write and benefit from my efforts! Despite the fact taxpayers (especially via Centrelink hand outs) fund these frauds, if you are in Australia – don’t expect any assistance from government funded sources.

Genetics inquiry: genetics@alrc.gov.au

Other sites confirming opposing results, including fraudulent DNA tests are widespread:

Justice action – Truth in Justice

Allen Gelb DNA, Human Rights & Justice Forensic errors